Wednesday, November 28, 2012

MY FAVORITES! (C for Claypot Rice)

They probably don't wash the warped plastic tea pitchers. They pass these on from a just-empty table to yours, assuming there's hot tea left in it. You wash your utensils and drink the same tea from the same pitcher. Sometimes, when it's full house inside, you have to eat on the street. Good thing then it's located in an alleyway. BUT WHO CARES? The place is bad-ass, the food, kick-ass delicious! All claypot orders took ages to arrive. Steam was billowing from underneath the covers and you could tell from the aroma this was going to be worth it.

The world's largest, cheapest teapot

Utensils taking a dip in hottish tea

Crunchy, garlicky broccoli
Fried squid with spicy salt, I think I ate 3/4 of this plate!

Bestseller: Chicken claypot rice. A bowl of thick soy sauce is served alongside.

Our favorite: pork rib with black beans. You pour the soy, it sizzles, you wolf it all down.

So-so: beef with egg. I generally don't like beef that's been tenderized to death.

Tutong! Socarat for non-Pinoys.

Look at this place. The people just kept on coming in. They have hotpot too!

Beside the restaurant this man was pricking Mr. Pig

Marketman of Zubuchon uses the same technique

Kwan Kee Claypot Rice (bookings are a must!)
Shop 1, Wo Yick Mansion, 263 Queen's Road West, Western District
2803 7209

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